Beatles Scrabble

Here in our house, we are a bit board-game-crazy. If there’s a special edition version of something we love of a game that we love (i.e. Lord of the Rings Trivial Pursuit) we are sure to play it. Caleab happened to get Beatles Scrabble as a Christmas gift and on a lazy afternoon while Rudy was napping and the boys were still away, we decided to give it a go. First of all, I never knew this existed. Second of all, I was perplexed; how can it be a “Beatles” edition? Scrabble is Scrabble, so I thought. Well there are a few differences, as a matter of fact. In general, if you play a “Beatles” word (predetermined by players) you get extra points. Then there are the “Help!” cards. Oh, those tricksy little “Help!” cards! You could use one per turn and they were for all different things that would basically completely bend the rules and get you more points: play a word backwards, make any other player give you a tile, get 10 extra points for playing a word horizontally on the bottom row, etc. It really was a lot of fun, and we had a jolly time playing. Caleab pretty much creamed me, but we won’t speak of that.

Beatles Scrabble

Just starting out.

Flying hands.

A "Help!" card.

Nearing the end.

Some Favorite Presents – Toddler Version

As the holiday season really kicks into gear, I thought it might be fun to showcase some of the presents we have received, to be able to share with those who are interested what things we were super excited about. Today, I am going to show a couple of Rudy Mae’s presents that she is really loving from Caleab and I.

These photographs are a mixture of two presents, both of them from the company Melissa & Doug. The first one we purchased at our local toy store here in Yellow Springs, Mr. Fub’s Party. It’s called “Pizza Party” and is a wooden play food set that the individual pieces stick together with velcro. The second is called “Wooden Kitchen Accessory Set” and we bought it on It consists of three wooden pots and pans with lids, two wooden utensils and an oven mitt.

Rudy picking a topping off of her pizza.

Rudy picking a topping off of her pizza. This topping we call “Veggie-roni” instead of “Pepperoni”.

Oven-mitt and 'za.

What Rudy really likes to do is take all of the pizza toppings and put them into the big red pot and stir it up.

What Rudy really likes to do is take all of the pizza toppings and put them into the big red pot and stir it up.

Pizza Topping Stew.