I’m A Model, You Know What I Mean

I was looking through my “photographs” folder on my computer today, and I noticed that when Rudy Mae gets a hold of the camera, she tends to take a lot of photographs of me (well, that, and walls/ceilings). Apparently I am her muse ;)

I was getting a kick out of looking through her photos and I thought it would be cute to pick some of her better ones and make a post about them.

Pulling a face.



Underneath me.



A Brief Warm-up

Taking full advantage of the oddly warm weather yesterday, Rudy Mae and I ventured out for a (wet and mucky) walk. She was so happy to be out of the house in fresh air, as was I. We really had a lovely time.




Please hurry, Spring.

In The Trash

Wood and nails.

We passed by a garbage can topped with naily wood while on a walk a little ways back. I know it’s not too cold to go out for walks now, but it’s just not as comfortable as when it’s a bit warmer. This photograph makes me long for spring.


[As I get photos and writings prepared for more Christmas Present “Hauls” (for lack of a better word), I am doing a few “hold over” posts with some photographs that I took, mostly from a few months ago, that I really love but for some reason or another, did not make an appearance in a blog post. Enjoy.]


At our local ice cream heaven, Young’s Jersey Dairy.